Past few days, we have been playing doctor, nurse & patients at home since Dennis our second twin first presented with all the H1N1 symptoms. He had high fever, sorethroat, cough plus muscular pain over his calf until he could barely stand & walk. A week earlier, hubby had a bad flu with fever but no sorethroat.
After Dennis, I started to have mild fever. Thanks to the flu jab I was entitled to take in my healthcare profession, i didnt have much flu or sorethroat but only bodyaches. Then my 5 yr old princess got the bug (fever & cough), after that my first twin Daniel was next in line. Finally needless to say & expectedly my youngest princess took the last in queue.
I didnt choose to admit them in the government nor private Paeds ward as I am more confident & comfortable to self quarantine and nurse all of us at home. Doctor didnt do any swap as expected nor give any Tamiflu (better that way coz we were told TAmiflu can cause brain damage in children). I just presume we had it!
So in the recovery period of this H1N1-like symptoms, we all had better bonding at home, spending time playing(I made play dough for my bored kids), we played doctor, nurses & patients (the kids took turn tobe in charge of taking temperature with the digital thermometer I once won frm a contest). One thing for sure, the thermometer was our most useful play toy.
Take a look at some of these shots I took;
1) 4 yr old Little princess play nurse while kor kor Dennis was the patient:
2) 5yr old princess sponging herself with wet towel & taking her own temperature:
3) The four bored sickos playing with homemade play dough mommy made for them:
4) The dettol hamper worth RM500 which I won lately was indeed very handy for us. I also changed all their toothbrush during this period:

Thank God we are all getting better now. To think positive, at least we all now have better immunity to H1N1!