In 3 hours' time, I will be taking off to Yoyo bus station to catch my bus to LCCT then flying off to Bali with my ex-boyfriend (my low kung, of course). And here I am doing my last post until I return from Bali...unless I can get access to internet at the hotel. Promise to take loads of pics and keep all of u faithful visitors posted.
Will be back on Thurs 4th June.
Meanwhile do take care and keep blogging!
... a fulltime working mom, juggling with a pair of twin boys and a pair of "look like twin" gals!Blogging as a digital diary to leave a legacy for them.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I love weekends!
Today as I was waiting for Daniel & Dennis to have their trial Taekwando lesson for the 1st time, I went into their school hall where there was a book exhibition. In the hall, I bumped into this lady making a whole collections of Japanese paper dolls and a variety of paper dolls (bride, English girl, etc)
I was vey impressed with her artwork which I think is going to extinct with our modern Cyber kids' world. Her masterpieces really bring back memories of my time when I used to do a lot of craftwork and creative stuff like making paper dolls, making dragon flies keychains , knitting onto Vitagen plastic bottles and putting animal eyes on them, etc,etc.
I bought 2 packets of the origami papers from her at only RM2.50 each and will try to make those Japanese paper dolls when I have the time. If QQ's mom wants to start a flower lolly biznes, perhaps I may consider making paper dolls biznes. ha Ha.
Take a look at her collection of fine masterpieces:

Outrageous? Beauty? Remarkable? I think those creations were genious! What do you think?
weekend hangout,
weekends n holidays,
what i did.
Modified Flower Lollies As DoorGifts
Thanks to Lian's idea as mentioned in my previous post for sharing the flower lolly idea. For reasons of enviromental friendly and to cut cost, I've modified Lian and QQ's Mom's ideas by recycling Chinese New Year cards for the petals and Ang Pow packet for smaller layer.
Here they are:.jpg)

One of the activities for Ju's party is Decorating Flower lollies : to let the kids have a hand in personalising their flower lollies by adding their own designs on the petal and decorate them with glitter glue and Tattoo pens. That would keep them occupied and save headaches of trying to control them (I've got about 30 adults and 30 kids on Ju's party list on 8 june '08) besides developing the kids' right brain.
So what do you think of my modified flower lollies? Lian (sifu) what's your verdict?
Here they are:

One of the activities for Ju's party is Decorating Flower lollies : to let the kids have a hand in personalising their flower lollies by adding their own designs on the petal and decorate them with glitter glue and Tattoo pens. That would keep them occupied and save headaches of trying to control them (I've got about 30 adults and 30 kids on Ju's party list on 8 june '08) besides developing the kids' right brain.
So what do you think of my modified flower lollies? Lian (sifu) what's your verdict?
kids birthday,
what i did.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Getting ready with her bday invitation cards...
That's Ju at work with her masterpiece invitation cards to be snt to friends invited to her home Birthday T-Party. Her Bday is 10 June 2008 but we are doing it just a day before school reopens...sure better turn up as most people would be back from school holidays then.
Stay tune on the creative flower lollies courtesy of LIAN's ideas and shared by QQ's mom
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I won! I won..again!
Comping (taking part in competition or contests) has been my great hobby besides blogging. Over the years i took this hobby more and more seriously. I read up about taking part in contest, buy books on How To Win Contest, etc. Initially winning a consolation also a big challenge for me. I always have phobia on contests which require slogans and taglines or creative signatures. Hwever, after doing much homework and read up a lot to polish this hobby, things became brighter and more fruitful over the years. No one says winning is easy and i also dont truly believe that it all depends on luck like i used to believe. Luck is important if the contest solely depends on it such as lucky dra but those which requires hardwork and thinking can conquer them if you put in effort and know how to win judges heart. But I must say the judges heart varies and part of it is luck to see which one of your creations capture the judges.
Here's what I win recently from the Ajax Faboloso contest. Actually I won 3rd prize early 2007 in the their Chinese New Year promotion contest (RM2000 SSF voucher to spend)and this time I won the Ceria Raya one (only consolation RM500 SSF voucher...both from same company and product. The contests were both held last year and it normally takes about few months to half a year to receive the result..jpg)
happy happy happy...having a big family with 4 kids, winning a contest can be very rewarding to ease the pocket a bit. Besides I really enjoy putting effort to try win the judges' heart.
Anyone out there have the same hobby in comping like me. Care to share your experience and winnings?
Here's what I win recently from the Ajax Faboloso contest. Actually I won 3rd prize early 2007 in the their Chinese New Year promotion contest (RM2000 SSF voucher to spend)and this time I won the Ceria Raya one (only consolation RM500 SSF voucher...both from same company and product. The contests were both held last year and it normally takes about few months to half a year to receive the result.
happy happy happy...having a big family with 4 kids, winning a contest can be very rewarding to ease the pocket a bit. Besides I really enjoy putting effort to try win the judges' heart.
Anyone out there have the same hobby in comping like me. Care to share your experience and winnings?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I trim this tree all by myself....
....while Mr. Low Kong was in slumberland and kids playing.
Hubby wanted to chop this tree but i objected. It gives very good shade(almost can serve as 1 horse power airconditioner, u knw?) But only problem it has outgrowned a bit and became messy with leaves and branches hanging low. Gardener would charge me RM50 to trim it. So I taught since got spare time a bit..I trim this tree myself. Pretty easy to yank the branches down as they are quite crunchy and brittle. Since I'm short, i just grab hold of the lowest branch and pull it hard. Then the whole branch would break and fall. Quite enjoyable.and managed to trim it neat enough to please my hubby. Only problem got lots of latex. Some call this the "" (umbrella tree) Payung Tree as it's like an umbrella giving lots of shades.
Bizeeee but great weekend..with beloved family!

Last weekend was a fruitful one for us . Did quite a lot and managed to spend much time with my family especially kids. It's school holiday and everywhere is jam packed. Even Ipoh town got traffic jam, believe it or not?So we just spend time at home and also at our Ipoh City and Country Club (ICCC, Jalan Kampar)
1) So first thing in the morning we did Project Apple Pie..courtesy of daddy's recipe searched from internet(from Astro programme).
2) We had breakfast at the famous Canning Garden "Ngau Lam Fun" stall in The Sun Hup Fatt coffee shop situated at Jalan Cecil Rae. For the sake of blogging I just found out the actual name of the shop and road as most of the time we just tell people it's the shop near Canning Garden market. This guy has a typical "angled mouth" and we address him as the "Chor How Low Ngau Lam Fun". The "ngau lam" (Beef strips and stomache..dont really how to name it in English)is taste good with the corriander leave and herbal fragrance. Emmmm yummy!!! Mummy's favourite.
Take a look at the red tender meat:
3) Afternoon, took grandpa for early birthday treat at the ipoh old town "Tin Choon" coffee shop which is famous for the St. Michael chee cheong fun, Chinese satay, and the famous "KAI SI HOR FUN"(strip chiken kueh teow in prawn oil soup). Also got "ngau lam fun". Another round of good food. Emmmmm puas!(Satisfaction)
4) Evening, took the kids to Ipoh City and Country Club for a swim. My twins already know how to swim. Gave them a 1 week intensive swimming lesson 2 years back just emphasized that they learn how to thread water and float so as to reduce risk of drowning. The girlsspend time at the wadding pool by themselves with mom and dad supervision from above. Mommy can't join as her "tai yee mah" visits (period come lor). Daddy also do remote control supervision from above to make sure the boys do swim their laps.
food review,
weekend hangout,
weekends n holidays,
what i did.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
A simple birthday treat for our twins.

As promised, i bought them an ice-cream cake maize flavour. Then i lighted up the "singing candle" which rhymes the bday song when turned on. Then the bos cut the cake and opened their bday gifts which mommy brought from Pasar Malam. It's their favourite BEN 10 cannon bolt and microscope and the OMITRIX.
School holiday is just a day away..what are your family planning to do? As I mentioned earlier, the kids will stay home and mommy & daddy will be flying to Bali and will be staying here. We promise the twins a year end trip to Australia if they study hard and do well in the final exams.Or else only the little sisters will be going.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Happy Birthday To You Daniel & Dennis

Happy Birthday to Daniel & Dennis. Mom and Dad wish both of you Good Health, Happiness and Great Wisdom and the very best in all you do!
As today 21st May is their 9th birthday, mommy still have no idea what to buy them. I asked if they want a birthday cake and I'll get it after work today around 6.30pm. Daniel my first twin said "Mummy just get us a cheap cake..after all you work so hard for money and we wouldnt want you to spend too much on us...anything is fine". I was so touched by the thoughts.
So i plan to take them to Night Market)Pasar Malam) tonight and pray that it wont rain... to choose their favourite toy. Then go get a cake and have a simple sing song and cut cake session and take some nice pictures for my next post. Not planning to hold parties as they have had enough each year from 1st to 8 years. Thought of letting them keep low profile this year onwards.
What did you mommies out there get for your kids on their birthdays? How do you plan or celebrate you kids' birthday?
Jalan Jalan Cari Makan: the cheap but fun and educational outing
Since it was a long Wesak Day holiday weekend, we decided to take our kids out on a cheap but interesting outing..just driving and stopping wherever they feel like snacking. First stop..The Secret Recipe. We were among the early customer arriving just when they were just opened for business.
We just ordered 1 piece of marble cheese and 1 piece of yogurt cheese cake for the 4 of them to share. Well we need to cultivate the "Learning To SHare" advice by Elmo in Cartoon Network. Then they should also appreciate that money dont fall from sky. A piece of cake cost RM5 each and not every kid is lucky enough to enjoy the luxury. So here you see one pice of cake to be shared by two siblings (not that mom and dad is kedekut, OK...after all they just had their breakfast at 9am)
When we arrive , the staff were loading the fresh cakes from their "cool" van.
Singing along the way i the car..As I walk along I wonder...Yai Yai Yai Yai Yai I wonder... Then we stopped at the whole saler shop for goodies, sweets and munchies. The twins chose their goodies for party packs for their birthday on 21 May 2008. Mommy planning to pack her own party pack for the twins(turning 9 on May21) and Juliana (Turning 4 on June10)to take to class and share with classmates.
Then we proceeded our JalanJalan cari makan excursion to the Ever Famous Funny MOUNTAIN soya bean drink stall. Our orders included "Michael Jackson Black & White (Soya & Leong Fun), and Pak Pak (White White: Soya & Tau Fu Fah). As it was a public holiday and long weekend holiday, we saw many outstation cars stopping by the road side to wait their turn with to order their favourite choice of drink. Many pedestrians stopped and crowded the tiny little stall, too. Those who dont wanna wait, call them first and check if the stall is even open for business. Here's the guy's number:
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Happy Wesak's a public holiday for us today!

Last night we already had the celebration at a nearby temple near our house. It's called the IBDA (Ipoh Buddhist Dhama Association).
The devotees will hold a candle each and walked round the garden, then there was the great monk blessing the Buddha, the holy water fountain (for bathing the mini Buddha) and the oil lamp circle. Then we had a get together and fellowship.
After receiving blessings from the Monk, my family and I walked home. I took back some holy water for bathing.I also apllied MindScience and sprinkled the holy water all over my house to shower it with blessings. There was also a take home message for all and among all I would like to share these 2 phrases with you:
Every obstacle is a very good test,
Having gone through it, you can gauge your strength and courage of patience.
Use the mirror of humbleness to reflect on the demon of pride and arrogance,
To overcome obstinacy and self ego in oneself is to be grateful and appreciative of others.
Be a friend and helpers to all beings,
Caught in the web of sorrow a creation of which it arises from their selfisheness,
Use your blessings, merits and virtues to greatly benefit others with wise loving compassion.
I personaly feel that that bloggers who blog great things to share are in deed benefiting other bloggers.
Happy Wesak To all.
May All Beings Be Peaceful, ell and Happy!
(Venerable Aggacitto Thera)
p.s Let's all pray to the earthquake victims and their family in China.
Is that an Egyptian mummy? Is that Iron Mom?
Talking about Iron Man, I took my 4 kids to watch that movie in TGV Jusco yesterday. It is a great entertaining show. The cinema was mostly packed with parents and their kids.
But no, the above is not Iron Man or Iron Mom, it's just mommy in her Black mud facial mask!
Yup after a hard day's week travelling to work, working locams almost daily and partime babysitter at home, i pamper myself to a facial treatment and full body massage at a beauty saloon. You can say it's a belated birthday treat or a Belated Mother's Day treat for myself. If we mothers and wife don't pamper ourselves who would papmer us, right?
So what do you do to pamper yourself for birthday, Mother's day or any other day of your hectic lifestyle as a working or stayhome mum?
Thought he wouldnt remember but he did!
May 13th, 2008
"Happy Birthday darling!, Let's dine out tonight!
This was the sms my hubby sent me on 13th May morning at work. Yup I had to work on my birthday...but I enjoyed it. I was so touched that many of my friends whom I have not been keeping in touch with, still remember this day. I wanna thank My collegues, my bos, my parents, siblings and my kids and my auntie for all the birthday wishes, gifts and lunch treats. Not to forget my hubby for the lovely simple dinner at the Japanese restaurant after sending out twins for tuition that evening. No candlelight, no diamond ring, just dinner and walked Pasar Malam after that. After all, he is not that romantic type who will come out with romantic ideas.
My Birthday wish??? I wish for Peace, Wellness, Happiness and Harmony for all the beings of this Universe..especially those children suffering of hunger.
Here are some pics taken during the dinner at the Japanese restaurnt.
I ordered a Tom Yam ramen but was served with blackpepper ramen instead...then i asked for the Tom Yam paste and mix and fusion it myself..the taste was not too bad after the fusion.
"Happy Birthday darling!, Let's dine out tonight!
This was the sms my hubby sent me on 13th May morning at work. Yup I had to work on my birthday...but I enjoyed it. I was so touched that many of my friends whom I have not been keeping in touch with, still remember this day. I wanna thank My collegues, my bos, my parents, siblings and my kids and my auntie for all the birthday wishes, gifts and lunch treats. Not to forget my hubby for the lovely simple dinner at the Japanese restaurant after sending out twins for tuition that evening. No candlelight, no diamond ring, just dinner and walked Pasar Malam after that. After all, he is not that romantic type who will come out with romantic ideas.
My Birthday wish??? I wish for Peace, Wellness, Happiness and Harmony for all the beings of this Universe..especially those children suffering of hunger.
Here are some pics taken during the dinner at the Japanese restaurnt.
I ordered a Tom Yam ramen but was served with blackpepper ramen instead...then i asked for the Tom Yam paste and mix and fusion it myself..the taste was not too bad after the fusion.
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